Saturday, August 29, 2009

Unproductive Weekends

Weekends always feel so less productive than planned. Maybe I over anticipate the things I think I will get done, or maybe I really don't get as much done as I should. Either way, I wish that I could say I accomplished a few more things.

Yesterday was a long day. I went to conference in the morning and early afternoon. I had a doctor's appointment at 2:45, which I was late for. I came home and quilted. Really I got a lot done, but my goal was to get finished and that didn't happen.

My friend, Kasey, called and wanted to shop. So we hit the mall and Target. I tried not to buy things, but as usual, I did. It was just a few necessities, like toilet paper and deodorant. She bought scrubs and a wedding shower gift for a friend that she rarely speaks to anymore.

Today should have been more productive, but it started with me oversleeping until 9:00. Then I did a little work. Then my mom came down for a trip to Costco, which I can never turn down because she stocks me up with my favorites like four pounds of strawberries and a pallet of ground beef that we can split. Then Dave wanted to go to Hobby Lobby, and since I had to get batting for the quilt I'm working on I went with him. By the time we got back, and I loaded up the picture frames I had to have, Alex was home and we were making our night plans.

We headed out to see a movie, but then couldn't find the theater and ended up back home drinking homemade mixed drinks, eating air popped popcorn with real butter, and watching a DVD from Netflix.

Now everyone else in the house is asleep, probably passed out from strong rum, while I am wired from vodka, club soda and cranberry flavored sugar water.

I'll probably try to go to bed soon because I feel like I need to get a lot accomplished in the morning. Tomorrow I would like to hit up the gym. Finish the front of my quilt. Head home for Alex's grandma's 90th birthday party. Head to my mom's for dinner after that. Come home and get everything signed up for my new business as a Pampered Chef Consultant and still be in bed by 10:30 or 11:00. Is it possible? I think so.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Quilting, a forgotten piece of magic

I really put some work into the quilt for my friend's baby shower today. I spent about two hours piecing together strips of materials. Tomorrow I will be able to cut out triangles and piece together my squares. It's going rather quickly, which is good because ideally I'd like to finish it this weekend. The shower is on the 19th. I need to RSVP, and I need to find out if anyone around here is going so that I don't have to make the 3 hour drive by myself.

I just signed up to be a Pampered Chef consultant. In addition to my full time job, I thought it might be a nice way to eat up some of my time while Alex is busy with school, plus even if it's just a few hundred dollars a month, the extra money will not hurt.

I've got a few people tentatively signed up to host parties, but I'd like to hit the ground running with this. The faster you get started, the more opportunities you have to earn some fun bonuses, and with Christmas around the corner, bonuses are good!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sunburn, the out of office way

Today was spent at the Farmers Market at the City Market, which was a whole new experience for me. Unfortunately I was there working, not shopping, but it was so nice to spend a day outside, in the sunshine and on my feet. I'm regretting it tonight though because my face is as red as a cherry. I don't typically burn this badly, but this summer has been one of limited sunshine and base tanning, and while I definitely put on my SPF lotion this morning, I may not have put it on to the degree necessary to block the Indiana August sunshine.

Work seemed to fly by, which is good and bad. It's good because it means I'm staying busy. It's bad because it really means that I am too busy. I like to be fully loaded, but I also like to make sure that I get everything done, and everything done right.

After work I went to the gym. I did 35 minutes of cardio and then planned on coming home and doing a little yoga. When I laid down on the floor, Dicey, my black and white kitten, decided that my sweaty, salty hair would make a lovely plaything and treat and I couldn't really find my inner focus. I gave up the yoga, but did get my pieces cut for my new quit. It has 12 total squares. Tomorrow I would like to get six completed. It shouldn't be a problem. I get off work at 4:30. The cat's have a vet appointment at 5:40 and Alex has night class, so I'll be on my own until nearly bedtime. I'll skip the gym tomorrow because of the vet, so that will give me more time for quilting!

I'll post some pictures then!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Homemade dinner and high blood pressure

Sloppy joe, acorn squash, and pasta salad on a jade green plate.Tonight, after my unproductive trip to the gym to meet my Wellness Coach, Greg, I came home and cooked Alex and myself dinner. We had sloppy joes, pasta salad, and acorn squash. Well, I had acorn squash. Alex, who is opposed to most veggies wouldn't touch the stuff. It was incredibly yummy and healthy. Please see below for the recipe.

At the gym today, my Wellness Coach took my blood pressure, which is always exactly 120/68, maybe even 110/60 if I'm feeling a little run down, but the moral is it is never high, and today he took it on my left arm, and then my right arm and it was 132/90. I think he might not have been the best pressure taker, and I had just gotten off work and was a little stressed because I was running late. It might have been high, but I am nervous about it being that high. I have a doctor's appointment on Friday, and I'll wait and see what my pressure is then before I get too nervous.

Low fat Acorn squash, as I adapted it from the Better Homes and Garden Cook Book
1 medium acorn squash, cut in half and seeded
1 Tbs butter
3 Tbs brown sugar
Juice from half a lemon
Cinnamon to taste

Put the squash in a microwavable baking dish. Microwave on high approximately 10 minutes.

In a small sauce pan combine and melt butter, brown sugar, lemon and cinnamon.

Pour butter/sugar mixture over squash and microwave for an additional 2-3 minutes To better infuse the flavor, poke the squash and baste often.

Mash with a fork or spoon and enjoy!

Monday, August 24, 2009

A bike trip to the grocery

When we went to the store yesterday, I realized how close it really was. I decided that if we could find a cart, it would be close enough to walk. I'm not sure how much a cart costs, but today, since I only needed a few things, I rode my bike to the grocery.

We had homemade pizza for dinner. It wasn't fancy. It was a store bought crust because I cannot make a good homemade crust to save my life, Sauce from a jar, shredded cheese and lunch meat ham. Alex and I love ham on our pizza.

I also made Pillsbury Bread Sticks, and we had watermelon on the rind. It was Alex's first day of school. I went to the gym after work and spent 35 minutes on the treadmill. I did a lot of walking and a little running, but I'm slow and I guess in worse shape than I thought. Tomorrow I meet with my Wellness Coach. We'll see how that goes. I would like to go and swim some laps on Wednesday night, but I have a mini-event at work that day and I might be too tired.

I didn't get to work on my quilt at all today, but the pieces have over taken the craft room/office. Alex and I are going to have a party in September to show off our house, and I have to have the quilt finished and put away before then. Maybe I'll have time this weekend. We have to do some outside work as well.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sunday's are the hardest

Sundays are always hard for me. Mainly because 10:00 sneaks up on me so quickly and that is when I remember everything I wanted to get done over the weekend and everything that has to been done before my week can start back up. Going back to work on Monday's is also hard. It's not the actual work, it's just the waking up and feeling motivated.

But here we are again and it's Sunday night and i haven't gotten everything accomplished that I wanted to. I did a lot though, and I suppose that counts for something.

The newly painted kitchen We finished painting the kitchen. We have started getting things put back in order. I just did 30 minutes worth of dishes to get caught up from the week we couldn't do them (we've been eating out a lot).

Today we went to an Indianapolis Indians baseball game. It was a lot of fun, but we were gone from noon until after 6. I fixed pancakes and sausage links for dinner. It was kind of a throw together meal because I haven't thawed any meat in a week. Today I got out hamburger, a pork roast and a pizza crust for next week. We are not getting dinner to go again.

A stack of polka dotted fabricWhen I got home tonight I started a quilt for my friend Ashley's baby. She's due in late October with a little boy. I am attempting my first shadow quilt. I recently found a book called the Weekend Quilter. I figure anything in there ought to be easy enough for me. It make take me longer than a weekend, but I can do it.

Yesterday I washed and dried the material. Today I pressed it all, and started cutting. The shadows and boarder are going to be bright blue. I have got that cut out. The triangles will be composed of the many colored polka dotted fabric, and the back will be the soft blue polka dotted fabric.

I really wanted to make it boyish, but also make it baby neutral. I hate things that are too gender specific, only because it seems everything for little boys is blue and everything for little girls is pink. I'm a huge fan of the green and yellow.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Elbow grease updates kitchen

Our kitchen before
Our kitchen was terrible. I mean it was plaid wallpaper. Old plaid wallpaper that was originally white, or maybe off-white, but had turned this awful shade of yellow due to years of cooking and probably smoking. It was pealing in some places and curling in others. Alex spent a better part of Wednesday tearing off the wallpaper and the backing.

Primed Walls and primed panelingHe primed this morning and we painted the top half. The bottom half is wood paneling/wainscoting. We are painting it this deep blue, along with the back splash. The top is a very light brown/sand color. We're planning on pulling that into our living room and hall way, too. It's pretty neutral, but not white, and that's what I'm really aiming for.

Because we spent so much of the day painting, the poor kittens had to be locked in their room (aka the laundry room). They did get to come out and play for a while before Alex and I left for dinner and a quick trip to JoAnn Fabric.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Laugher... the best medicine

Last night, Alex and I went to a very special showing of Rifftrax live: Plan 9 from Outer Space. If you've never seen Mystery Science Theater 3000 or listened to Rifftrax, it's totally worth checking out.

The live event is a new thing that many theaters are doing. It was the first one we have been to, but as regular movie goers, we have seen many previews for live symphonies, operas, concerts, and even, not live, but classic movies on the big screen. Basically, they create these special one time only showings. Feed the information live to roughly 500 movie theaters across the country and then bring in the money.

We were in a totally packed theater full of Rifftrax-loving geeks. It was great. The show started off with a terrible MC, featured a classic 1950s short, live music, crazy commercials, and finally the feature: Plan 9 from Outer Space.

Anyway, the whole point is that we laughed and laughed. Laughter takes away a lot of your problems and concerns. It was really nice.

Today is my short day at work and Alex and I are going to attempt to paint our kitchen today, and this weekend. He's torn off all the wallpaper, and I scrubbed down the walls. They are taped and my goal is for him to get a coat of primer on while I'm at work. I figure I can work and head to the gym, and then we'll get busy and get at least one coat on the top part of the room. I'm hoping that we can even get a second done tonight!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Some things just can't be made at home

Today, I joined our YMCA and started to workout again. I've worked out regularly in the past, but graduation, the new job, the new house, and the new city have got me out of the rhythm. I'm not one to workout at home. I may do a 20-30 minute relaxing yoga practice once a week or so, but I don't like sweating in my own house. I can't stand aerobic tapes where the video is obviously edited in a way so that the exercisers are never sweaty.

I had an epiphany today. I'm almost 25, which is a monumental age, and I am not in the shape I want to be in. I feel like once I hit 25, changing my lifestyle will not get any easier. So now is the time for change. I have six weeks before that big birthday, and it's time to stop and think about my health and the future.

I'll have access to all the YMCAs in Indianapolis. There is one about 10 minutes from my house, and one walking distance from my work. Really I'll have absolutely no excuse not to go, which is exactly what I need.

Tonight, Alex offered to cook dinner. We're having Jambalaya with smoked sausage. It's homemade from the box, and it's one of our favorite simple, but delicious meals. Dave is out of town at the dentist. We aren't sure when he'll be back, but it's kind of nice to have the house to ourselves this evening. It's just Alex and me, and the kittens.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sausage-gravy and biscuits

What was homemade today? Sausage-gravy and biscuits. It was turkey sausage, and the biscuits came out of a can. The gravy was homemade and it was perfect tonight. I've finally figured out the trick... The milk and fat must boil together before adding the cornstarch. Perfect gravy every time.

So I need to find a gym. Indianapolis has a million gyms to choose from, but finding one in the right price range with the right amenities is a challenge. Alex doesn't really understand the importance. Today for example, we went to check out a Cardinal Fitness. He didn't want to wear gym clothes. He didn't want to work out. He didn't want, he didn't want. I got mad, but I just kept it to myself. There is no use arguing over something so small. I cooked our dinner and then I took a walk/run. Forty-five minutes later I wasn't angry anymore.

The activity made me feel so much better. My endorphins kicked in, and I was able to forget the attitude. To quote Elle from Legally Blonde, "She wouldn't kill him," she pauses, "Working out gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy, happy people don't just kill their husbands." And she is right. Before the workout, I was ready to be life Rhianna and throw the first punch, but after the workout, I was able to avoid a petty fight and enjoy a win in the game of Electronic Life with Alex and Dave.

Happy Tuesday.

Homemade Family

This blog will be dedicated to the life that my husband, Alex, and I are starting together. We have been married 164 days. We bought our first house in July and started are family with two kittens, Dicey and Racer, at the same time.

I am a young professional. Alex is a graduate student. We have a roommate, Dave, who inevitable will play a role in the tales I will share.

To begin the story...

Yesterday was Alex's first lesson in paying the bills. Up until now, he's never paid a bill. He's probably never even opened an envelope containing a bill. He's definitely never balanced a checkbook or had to do much more budgeting than deciding if he should order pizza tonight, or eat lunch out tomorrow. But yesterday, I wanted him to understand and see where my small paychecks go every month.

We sat down at the computer and I pulled up the online bill pay. I stacked up the bills, which seem to be coming almost daily and began explaining how to log on, how to compare the online statement to the balance on our MoneyDance. I then proceeded to use online bill pay to pay each bill, carefully recording our new balance after each one. After cable, electric, mortgage, Netflix, insurance, you name it, our account had significantly dropped.

He was astonished, but you know what? I think it's going to help. The next time I say, "We can't really do that, we don't have any money," he might actually believe me.