Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Homemade Family

This blog will be dedicated to the life that my husband, Alex, and I are starting together. We have been married 164 days. We bought our first house in July and started are family with two kittens, Dicey and Racer, at the same time.

I am a young professional. Alex is a graduate student. We have a roommate, Dave, who inevitable will play a role in the tales I will share.

To begin the story...

Yesterday was Alex's first lesson in paying the bills. Up until now, he's never paid a bill. He's probably never even opened an envelope containing a bill. He's definitely never balanced a checkbook or had to do much more budgeting than deciding if he should order pizza tonight, or eat lunch out tomorrow. But yesterday, I wanted him to understand and see where my small paychecks go every month.

We sat down at the computer and I pulled up the online bill pay. I stacked up the bills, which seem to be coming almost daily and began explaining how to log on, how to compare the online statement to the balance on our MoneyDance. I then proceeded to use online bill pay to pay each bill, carefully recording our new balance after each one. After cable, electric, mortgage, Netflix, insurance, you name it, our account had significantly dropped.

He was astonished, but you know what? I think it's going to help. The next time I say, "We can't really do that, we don't have any money," he might actually believe me.

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