Thursday, May 26, 2011

Shaking up the morning routine

Do you have a morning routine? It something that you have been doing for years? Mine is so predictable that even on the weekends when I sleep late it it's virtually the same.

I wake up, stumble into the bathroom and put in my contacts so that I can see more than 20 feet in front of me. Depending on the day, I shower or wash my face and head to the kitchen. I fix breakfast and pour my coffee and sit down in front of the computer to check my e-mail, Google reader and facebook. I normally do a little financial juggling or checkbook balancing. Then I get up, finish getting ready and head out to work, or on the weekends out to get whatever it is I'm doing that day started.

The thing it, I think I want to change my routine. I would like to blog in the mornings, like I'm doing today, but I struggle to find the time. I'd also like to get more cleaning done in the mornings. I used to be able to do that all time and it was so nice to go into work knowing that the floor had been swept and the dishes put away.

It's especially important as the summer rolls in that I get more done in the mornings so that I can spend my evenings in the garden or in the kitchen.

I'll keep you posted.

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